We require 2 to 5 business days from the date on which payment has been received to process your order and prepare it to be shipped. Shortly after we have processed your order, and it has been picked up one of by FedEx, UPS or DHL, Post for shipping . You will receive a tracking number by email. We recommend that you check your tracking number frequently so that you are made aware of the estimated delivery date as well as any delays, changes or updates that may occur during the shipping period. Please note that once your order has been picked up by the applicable courier and a tracking number has been provided to you, your order is no longer in our physical control, but that of the applicable courier. Once the applicable courier takes physical control of your order for the purpose of delivering it to you, we are neither the cause of, nor responsible for, any delays caused or encountered by such courier.
We offer the following shipping options:
- FREE STANDARD SHIPPING. Your order will be shipped free of charge via POST shipping.
- EXPEDITED SHIPPING. Expedited orders are shipped via Fedex /UPS/USPS/DHL next-day shipping at a flat rate of $150 per order.
For international orders, shipping charges, customs fees and import duties and taxes (“International Shipping Costs”) are calculated at the end of the checkout process and charged to you when you finalize your purchase. Simply add a product to your shopping bag, provide your full name and complete shipping address, and continue the checkout process. The International Shipping Costs will be displayed just before the order is ready to be finalized. If you require assistance with respect to the checkout process and/or international shipping costs CONNECT TO
Notwithstanding any estimate, quote or calculation provided by us during the checkout process, please be advised that you bear full responsibility for any and all customs fees, import duties, taxes, or other local charges resulting from international shipping, including all such costs associated with any exchanges or returns. These charges are beyond our control as they are set by the customs authority of the destination country, and they depend on a number of factors, such as local VAT rates and local import taxes.
Once an international order has been processed and picked up by the applicable courier, and a tracking number has been provided to you, your order is no longer in our physical control, but that of the applicable courier. Once the applicable courier takes physical control of your order for the purpose of delivering it to you, we are neither the cause of, nor responsible for, any delays caused or encountered by such courier, including without limitation delays caused by customs, weather, technical difficulties or any other occurrence beyond the control of the courier.
We do not deliver to incomplete addresses, P.O. boxes, lockboxes, APO/FPO/DPO addresses, freight forwarding addresses, or locations where an adult signature cannot be obtained. In order to ensure prompt delivery of your order, please provide, during the checkout process, the first and last name of the intended recipient followed by a complete street address. If you place an order using a P. O. box, an APO/FPO/DPO address, a freight forwarding address or an incomplete name and/or address, a member of our Customer Support team will contact you via email in order to obtain the additional information required to complete delivery of your order. This information may include proof of identification for fraud prevention purposes. If we are unable to obtain the information required for delivery within 3 business days from the date of our email seeking such information, we will have no choice but to cancel your order.
The signature of an adult (at least 18 years old) is required for receipt of your order. Once you have received your tracking number, please make note of the date and approximate time when your order is expected to be delivered so that an adult is available to sign for, and accept, the order. If you realize that you will be unavailable on the date on which your order will be delivered, please your local delivery carrier so that may assist you in rescheduling the delivery of your order. FedEx generally makes 3 delivery attempts before returning your order to our fulfillment center. If your order is returned, you will be responsible for any additional shipping fees incurred to redeliver the same order to you.